Why you should have a blog on your website


You know me – I LOVE blogs! Having a blog page on your website can be so super powerful in getting new eyes on your brand, but there are still many small businesses and start-ups who don’t yet see the value in writing blog posts. Yes, it means investing some time and energy, and it’s not something that brings instant rewards. But trust me when I say, blogging does work.

If you still need convincing, here are some of the main reasons why you should start a blog for your brand today.

Authority and credibility

Having a bank of blog posts on your website lets people see that you know what you’re talking about. Over time, you will be seen as an expert in your niche, giving you credibility.

Like all other forms of content creation, having well-written blog articles can work wonders in building trust with your audience, meaning that when they’re ready to buy, it’s you they come to.

You own it, unlike social media

Did you know that everything on your social media feed belongs to someone else?

It’s true – all the photos, posts, personal information…it all belongs to the company who owns the site. So if Facebook decides to shut up shop, you’ve lost all of your contacts, all of your images, your ads, your posts…. everything.

And it’s not as far fetched as you think – does anybody remember My Space? Not if you’re under 40, I’m guessing!

But even if that doesn’t happen (sure, it’s pretty unlikely right now), all it takes is for you to post the wrong thing, and BAM! The site could shut you down. And I’ve seen that happen, believe me.

But your blog, like your website, is owned by YOU. You get to say what content gets published, and no-one can take it from you.

Your blog is yours, and always will be.

It boosts SEO

Search engines favour fresh, up to date content, and blogging is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to provide it. By creating regular blog posts, you are increasing your chances of being indexed by the likes of Google, Bing, and Yahoo, amongst others.

Getting savvy with keywords allows people to search for information and find YOU.

It connects people to your brand/builds relationships

As long as you’re writing the kind of articles that your audience loves to read, you’ll naturally create a following – people will seek out your blog posts and subscribe to reading them regularly. This is why it’s important that you firstly get really clear on who your audience is, and then post the kind of content they want to read CONSISTENTLY.

Your blog should not only give great value (which it always should), but it needs to resonate with the kind of people you want to sell to. It’s all about that ‘trust’ factor again.

Teach and give deeper information about your products/services

The beauty of writing a blog is that you have the opportunity to explain to your audience what your products and services can really offer them. By getting really in-depth about how you can help them, where you can offer value, and why you excel in what you do, you are giving your readers a reason to buy from you.

Some examples might be:

  • How-to’s
  • Tutorials
  • Case studies
  • Testimonials
  • User experiences

Shareable on social media

Blogging gives you a simple way to get discovered on social media. Blog posts are easy for people (and you) to share via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc. and this works wonders in getting your exposed to audiences you might not have even connected with yet.

Your posts will also give you a boatload of extra content to post on your own social media – and not just by sharing the post itself. You can use the content to write stand-alone posts, make videos, graphics and infographics, and plenty of other stuff. You’ll never be stuck for social media content again!

I hope that this article inspires you to start blogging for your business, or at least give it a try! If you’d like help in creating your blog page, I would be happy to chat. Feel free to contact me.

About me

Tereasa Hedges, freelance copywriter for creatives, designers and makers.

I’m a freelance copywriter who specialises in writing content for creative people, helping you to reach larger audiences through blogging, web content, email marketing, and a little bit of social media for good measure.

Want to work with me? Contact me for a chat via shirecopywriting@outlook.com
